封面刊登|韩国Deco Journal第339期 禾缦 x 寸匠熊猫NANA




韩国Deco Journal杂志因高水准内容而被视为韩国时尚设计领域的经典杂志,是引领设计潮流的韩国高端媒体集团。自1995年8月成立以来,一直代表全国最高的设计质量和保留。它已成为建筑、设计、室内和城市规划(包括景观美化)领域的真正媒介。过去发表的内容,如国内外行业的最新消息、趋势、信息分析等,作为相关学术界、企业和专家青睐的数据来源,具有极好的价值。作为最近的生活空间和文化,房屋,建筑,室内设计,生活也受到对风格等感兴趣的普通读者的好评。杂志因提供设计、建筑、室内、生活等各种信息,为生活文化和生活方式提供差异化的内容,它是韩国唯一的生活友好型设计、室内专业内容制作。


由林嘉诚先生和蔡泫娜女士共同创立的寸匠熊猫设计事务所(CUN PANDA),致力于研究中国商业品牌的策略与未来发展定位,挖掘原本属于不同品牌灵感与文化价值,并帮助商业项目所在地再次思考其品牌化过程中的定位。


CUN PANDA, co-founded by Mr. Lin Jiacheng and Ms. Cai Xuanna, is dedicated to researching the strategies and future positioning of Chinese commercial brands. They aim to unearth the inspiration and cultural value that originally belonged to different brands and assist the locations of commercial projects in rethinking their branding processes. 

Since its inception, CUN PANDA has designed and completed a series of projects in various fields, including brand research and exploration, family education, and high-end residences. With a comprehensive professional approach that encompasses brand coordination, design control, and a fusion of brand visuals, lighting, and installation art, they provide a diversified range of high-quality and comprehensive professional design and consulting services.